Even after yesterday's post of ideas to get you started, you may not be ready to go out there to spread joy in the world. I understand that giving without a special occasion or particular reason feels unfamiliar. You may think about how people will react. Let's look into some of these issues so you can get out of your comfort zone and try some random act of kindness.
Random Acts of Kindness
Kindness goes beyond being just lovely, and it's about being selfless. It includes empathy and putting yourself in someone else's shoes.
With so many hectic schedules, we have over-communicated ourselves in our daily lives. Our schedules can make it difficult to look outside of ourselves and consider the needs of others. However, random acts of kindness require you to perform selfless acts on behalf of others for no other reason than to improve their day.
What's Holding You Back?
There are lots of things that could hold you back from sharing random acts of kindness. Many people fear exposing themselves to rejection and allowing themselves to be vulnerable. It takes self-confidence to give freely to another for no particular reason. You'll probably overcome this discomfort once you practice doing little acts here and there. Sometimes people feel unworthy and think others would receive their gift with suspicion. It can be risky, but the rewards are worth it. Most recipients are pretty happy to get such a surprise. Maybe you feel too wrapped up in your world that it seems impossible to focus on anyone else. You'll find this not the case once you start to give.
Comfort Zone
Performing random acts of kindness takes you out of your world and allow you to connect with others in meaningful ways. This connection profoundly influences you, the recipient, and anyone who sees your efforts. Performing good deeds adds positivity to the world. It rarely has negative consequences to take one small step outside your comfort zone to give to another in even the most minimal ways. Try something a bit more out of your comfort zone the next day. Each positive interaction will increase your self-confidence.
Hopefully, you've been able to think through what's holding you back and feel enthusiastic about how you could enrich the lives of those around you.
It Doesn't Have to Be Complicated or Expensive.
I've learned along the way to proficiently perform random acts of kindness that, it takes practice and creativity. I've already shared some ideas to get started, but you may need some convincing. Performing a good deed for others doesn't require much effort or cost a dime. Let's look at ways you can reach out and brighten someone's day. Here are some more examples:
- Smile at a stranger for no reason.
- Encourage someone who's struggling.
- Give a word of praise to someone.
- Hold the elevator for someone.
- Read a book to a child at a book store.
- Listen to someone vent.
- Say thank you.
- Share a friend's work on social media.
- Call someone and say hello.
- Leave a positive blog comment.
- Offer a homeless person your leftovers.
- Tell a parent what a good job they're doing.
- Hug someone if they say it's okay to do so.
- Return someone's shopping cart.
- Share a kind word with a waiter or waitress.
- Give your seat to someone standing on the bus.
- Write a quick message of thanks or encouragement to a co-worker.
- Say hello to a stranger in the car next to you.
- Introduce yourself to a new neighbor.
- Make introductions with your friends if you feel they could get along.
- Let someone merge while driving in traffic.
- Offer to take someone's work task if they seem swamped.
- Offer a ride to someone who doesn't have a car.
- Make amends for past wrongs to someone who was once in your life.
- Agree to activity because someone else will love it.
- Invite someone to your holiday celebration if you know they'll be alone.
- Share your knowledge with someone who has asked for advice.
- Write a recommendation on LinkedIn.
- Offer to pick up items for others when heading out for errands.
- Recognize someone for their contribution during a work meeting.
Okay, now are you ready to get out there and start sharing random acts of kindness? These are super-easy, low-effort, and free ways to brighten someone's day. You can do it!